Friday, November 26, 2010

When life imitates art... or at least a bad comedy...

Today I lived a moment from some kind of sitcom.

I was sat around in the office getting a few last things done before calling it a day as a colleague just finished a phone call to someone else in the office. After she hung up, we starting chatting away with some of the others in the room and the subject turned to the behaviour of some of our past team members who still work for the company, though no names were mentioned. We talked for a few minutes about one particular incident that was pretty much unacceptable, and we all had a laugh at the co-workers expense.

Then I turned back to my desk to get some work done when my phone spoke up and a very nice sounding robot lady voice said:

"Message complete. Goodbye!"

There was a pause as everyone processed what had just happened. Then we burst out laughing. The timing of the phone speaking up could not have been better. We worried for a bit over whether or not we had just accidentally recorded us trash talking an unnamed co-worker on another co-worker's voice mail, but after ringing the person whose phone we left the message on and getting her to allow us to check her messages we found it had only recorded vague talking sounds and nothing could be made out.

Still, for a moment there I was worried I'd slipped into a universe which runs on sitcom rules. I'm not sure I could take that kind of existence to be honest.

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