Tuesday, November 30, 2010

And that's 30...

Finally, the end of November arrives and with it, the end to my self-imposed obligation to post every day.

Hopefully, something good will come out of this in that I might use this blog more often after having posted every day for 30 days. But I can't say I'm not relieved to not have to post every day.

Also, with tonight we pass into December. Christmas build up can now start. I don't care that the stores started it late October. I don't care that the Christmas lights were turned on in town in late November this year and the Christmas park decorations are already out. None of that matters.

To me, Christmas has never started until December. The lights used to be tuned on about the 6th or 7th of December. The Late Late Toy Show aired in December, not November like it did this year. It just seems wrong to start the whole fuss so early this year, especially in a year when so many families are dreading the new budget and wondering how they'll even afford Christmas this year. But still the whole thing is relentlessly marketed at the kids, and you can't explain to the kids why Christmas can't be quite as big a deal this year.

To be honest, I'm not looking forward to it so much this year either. It's not the same when your not spending it with the whole family as usual. Even when the usual Christmas means being sick of your whole family by 3pm. This Christmas will be a quiet one, barely different from any ordinary day. But at least the odds of a snowy Christmas have gone up quite a bit, which is nice. If I can't spend Christmas with my whole family, a nice long walk in the snow would be a good alternative.

Anyway, to leave you all at the end of November with something amusing, here's some video footage of the best Fallout New Vegas mod ever. Gamer or not, take a quick look at this and tell me watching computer characters prancing about doesn't make you laugh. Hell, some of them have some serious moves on them. And it's given me some ideas, but more on those in a future post.

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