Monday, November 15, 2010

This is what happens when you fight a stranger in the alps!

I k now that sometimes, a TV network wants to show a movie at a particular time. And maybe, there's some dialogue in that movie that's unsuitable for the time they've chosen. Sometimes, the cut that dialog. Not too bad, provided the line wasn't crucial to the scene. Sometimes, though, they dub it.

Here's some examples of dubbing I ran across which were just plain silly:

The Big Lebowski
John Goodman's character, Walter, is going nuts trying to force a confession out of a scared teenage kid. In this case, the ridiculous dubbing is at least done by Goodman himself. Shame the dialogue doesn't make any damn sense whatsoever when they got done with it.

Snakes on a Plane
Every one knows this one, but I couldn't not include it.

Die Hard 2
This is just plain stupid. The dubbed dialogue is awful, and the guy doing the dubbing sounds nothing like Bruce Willis.

Hot Fuzz
This TV edit of Hot Fuzz is just as funny as the original, but for the wrong reasons. At least this time, it was the director's choice to do it this way.

And if anyone wants to see more, you can see nearly 10 minutes of terrible dubbing and editing from Pulp Fiction here. I'm not embedding it as it's quite long and unless you know the scenes well enough to remember all the original dialogue, it's not as entertaining. Interesting that the editors miss Tarantino's character using the N-word though, given that they dub over so much other stuff.

Oh, and anyone who finds this stuff entertaining should definitely read this short interview with Edgar Wright about it, and the silly things he's done for the TV edit of Scott Pilgrim.

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