Monday, November 8, 2010

LHC creates mini Big-Bang

I always see a a lot of articles about odd research and various experiments going around the world to the point where it's hard to get excited about some of the breakthroughs that happen.

Then there are days like today when I just can't help but feel excited when scientists at CERN recreate conditions from the freaking Big Bang. While the elusive Higgs-Boson hasn't shown itself yet, the fact that something like the Big Bang, a million times hotter than the Sun, has been artificially created under experimental conditions has me smiling.

On days like today - days when a bunch of scientists manage to recreate conditions like those that created everything that exists when all we have to organise it is a language long descended from noises primates used to tell each other where the best fruit was - I'm convinced that when we get our shit together, there's nothing we can't do.

And the LHC didn't end the world after all - always a plus.

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