Wednesday, November 17, 2010

One step closer to Star Trek

Is there nothing those guys at CERN can't do? Not content with playing with anti-particles, they recreate the conditions of the Big Bang. But that's not cool enough so less than a week after that, they successfully contain anti-matter atoms.

Not just positrons or anti-protons, but freaking whole freaking anti-hydrogen atoms. This some serious Star Trek shit. If we can do this, we can potentially power ships with anti-matter / matter reactions ala Star Trek, and if we can do that (and are okay with decades or centuries long travel times) this whole freaking arm of the galaxy is within our grasp.

Mind you, we'd need to crack our power generation problems here on Earth first I guess in order to be able to produce enough anti-matter to fuel ships. Somebody better get to work on cracking nuclear fusion on a large scale. No pressure guys. :)

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