Monday, November 22, 2010

The Walking Dead: Vatos

Holy shit. As a long term fan of the comic, I knew it can be a harsh story at times and that no one has plot immunity. And since Robert Kirkman is involved in the TV show and helping them create an adaptation of the comic that doesn't just slavishly follow the plot lines of the comic, I figured the show would be just as harsh. But I still wasn't quite prepared for it when I saw it. It was just ticking away happily and then wham! Bam! The cast is noticeably smaller!

Everyone who likes well written, reasonably well acted drama with a bit of action and a bit of horror should be watching this show. But fair warning - you better have some tolerance for gore, as while this show doesn't have a huge amount of gory scenes, when it does do gore it doesn't pull punches.

Also, the special effects are freaking amazing. Most of them are practical effects, or at least partially. Particularly impressive was the upper half of a zombie girl pulling herself along the grass. Instead of CGI, the crew did a full make up job on a young actress and used a bit of CGI to remove the lower half of her body. The combination of the two is just amazing. Here's a bit of an interview with one of the make up people, followed by a time lapse of the make-up being applied. Unfortunately, you don't see too much of the finished shot which is the really impressive part. But this still gives a good idea of the amount of effort they put into preparing the make up for the featured zombies on the show.

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