Thursday, August 26, 2010

Everything Old is New Again

I thought I’d give this blogging thing another go. It’s a little old fashioned in today’s modern world of Tweets and Facebook status updates, but with those tools for keeping in touch with people these days I can feel free to use this to just blather on about whatever I want to talk about confident that anyone who just wants to keep in touch a little can just check my Tweets or Facebook and just ignore this.

So don’t expect much about me, or my life to turn up here. I’ll just be talking about stuff like books, games, movies or TV shows really. Though I guess there might be the occasional post about thoughts that occur to me if I feel they might be interesting.

So without further ado, onto some actual posts. I’ll be starting with the wave of nostalgia that prompted me to go back and watch Star Trek: The Next Generation with some thoughts on each episode I bother to watch. I had thought about doing this when I recently watched Star Trek Original Series all the way through for the first time, but I never got around to it. So Next Gen - which I haven’t watched in years - will have to do.

It won’t be non stop Star Trek - I doubt I want to - or even could - watch it all in one go. I’ll move on to other stuff before long and come back to Trek next time I’m nostalgic.

So first up: Star Trek: TNG - Encounter at Farpoint

1 comment:

  1. Aye. ST:TNG aired in Ireland in September of 1990. I was just 10, and also remember watching this episode on RTÉ. I remember being blown away by the effects for the Enterprise D, and instantly falling in love with John de Lancie as Q. He was fantastic, possibly only for the reasons you give here, though at the time I don't think I was very critical of any acting on TV!
